Home » FAQ
  • Q What is delivery logistics?

    We accept a variety of logistics methods. You can choose the most convenient or cost-effective way.
  • Q What is the lead time for mass production?

    It depends on the order quantity and the season you place your order. The lead time of MOQ is about 15 to 20 days.
  • Q I can't find what I want on your website, can you provide the product I need?

    A Yes, please tell us the product information and we will search for you.
  • Q When can I get a quote?

    We usually quote within 24 hours of receiving your inquiry. If you need a price very urgently, please call us on email so we will give priority to your inquiry.
  • Q How can I get a sample to check your quality?

    After confirming the price, you can ask for samples to check our quality. If you need samples, we will charge a sample fee. But the sample fee can be refunded after you place an order later.
  • Q Can I put my logo on the packaging?

    A Yes, we can do OEM service, but you need to send us your packaging and logo design.